Wednesday 6th  October 2021

Media Language Analysis

L.O-To Analyse  A Media Text Using Media Language


I Think That They Chose That Shot  Because Its Not Too Close But It Shows Just Enough Of What He's Doing In The Shot Which Gives The Viewer More Of An Idea Of What He's Doing.



-Facial Expression



I think  his clothing shows that he isn't a friendly character,as he a gun holder attached to his jeans making the viewer wonder why he has that showing he's a character with some  sort of important character.

-Helicopter Sounds

-Car Engine

-Gun fires

-Buildings Smashing


I Think They Kept These Sounds For More Action And Excitement To Interest The Viewers To Show Theres Alot Of Danger And Thrill In This Movie.All The Sounds Above Imply Sounds Of Danger And Action.

Why are transitions used?

Transitions are used for changing from scene to scene do it isn't all mixed

 Wednesday 13th October 2021

Costumes-The Outfits Looked  Quite Different To Morden Day Clothing Meaning That The Movie Wasn't Set In This Age Of Time. It Looked As If They Were Wearing Clothing That  Comes Off As A Fighting Vibe.

Hair And Makeup-There Hair Wasn't The Neatest As It Looked Quite Scruffy And Just No Care Put Into It,And They Also Had Eye bags Improvising That The Characters May Be Tired.

In The Dune Trailer, Mise-en Scene Is Used Effectively To Costumes. For Example, In The Scene Where The Characters Are In Some Sort Of Different Universe I Noticed That There Clothes Were Different To Modern Day Clothing Showing That This Movie Obviously Wasn't Set In Earth,The Director Uses Mise-en Scene By Making the Actors Look Not From This Time.


  1. This is a good first analysis Summer! Well done.
    WWW: you've identified lots of media language used
    EBI: you try to use accurate terminology


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