
 Wednesday 3rd May 2023

LO: To explore possible tasks and research similar products 

Create a two minute sequence of an original music video to accompany a song about not giving up aimed at an audience primarily of 14-18 year olds.

possible song choices:

Don't stop believing - Journey

Here comes the sun - the Beatles

Its my life - Bon Jovi

We are the champions - Queen

Titanium - David guetta and Sia

Firework - Katy perry

Im still standing - Elton John

Survivor - Destiny's Child

I will survive - Gloria Gaynor

Wednesday 10th may 2023


- most music videos have a narrative 

- the band are/ artist can be the main character of the story or they can have an actor do it for them. or they just sing on stage.

- the editing depends on the genre / the narrative.

- the use a lot of different shots usually

- the colour also depends on the emotion of the music video , for example if it was a sad music video the saturation might be grey

-  usually the location will change at least once throughout the music video. though it doesn't always change.

- the costumes are usually based off the theme of the music video , however artist's such as sia uses very similar outfits in majority of her music videos.

- 3-5 locations on average

- Most music videos range between 2-4 minutes long

- the pace of the video if up beat could be a fast one , however if it sad it can be slow.

Wednesday 7th June 2023

. They include a fitness woman , the name of the magazine , motivational quotes 

. The usually have a photo of models or celebs to bring more attention to the magazine.

. By a colour palette they chose which colour works best and  will help establish brand identity , highlight and attract the audiences attention.

. The font used is sans serif 

. there is one main image on the magazine

. 5 cover lines used

. That it is £4.20

. 11 types of fonts are used on the magazine  , and the sizes are mostly all different

. 0 puffs are used on third magazine


. They are laid out across two pages 

. Multiple images are used to display the double page spread

. They only use two different fonts

. They use different colour schemes ,photo shot types,clothing,models,locations. They include different fonts on the magazine such an serif and a slob serif would be different.

. The production values of a magazine vary it depends on who is modelling for the magazine so they  may put more money into it or if it s a not very well known person they may spend less on the magazine.

. The magazines ideologies  yet again depends. It will depend on the target audience they want for their for magazine. for example if it was a fitness magazine they would maybe include a person wearing fitness clothing and having cover lines around saying inspiring & motivational quotes from fit people or celebs.

. The creators of the magazine use a colour scheme on their magazine they hope will attract the eyes of customers , they also do the same with  typography such as The design, or selection, of letter forms to be organised into words and sentences to be disposed in blocks of types as printing upon a page.

. The people on the magazines are usually used as the main focus of the magazine , they are shown wearing the theme of the magazine to present what the magazine is based on.

. The target audience is what the magazine is based on,essentially the creators magazine. So it may be people who are looking to loose weight , someone who does fitness or just someone who is generally interested in the topic.

. Because it will be on the same topic as each other & it will show a small image of the main cover on the DPS.

Wednesday 14th June 2023

. Style: Health | Fitness Magazine

. Typography: I want the text to be bright colours to make it look more exciting , so that more people would see the magazine and be attracted to it.

. Image: I would most probably do a mid shot so I can display the body of my person on the magazine

. Masthead | Logo design : I want to really stand out

. Cover: Someone who relates to the style of the magazine (Lowen)

. colour palette: 

Wednesday 21st June 2023



Wednesday 28th June 2023

Target audience

- People interested in business

- People interested in technology

- Male 

- Women

- Text

- Un stereo typical colour palette

- Men

- 30-50 target audience

Audience profile: (14 - 18)

. They may have a mixed opinion on school depending on their age , they could enjoy it or hate it or just be okay with school.

. Their hobbies could include various types of exercise which keeps them fit and healthy.

. I think my target audience would live in a urban area , because if they lived in a rural area there wouldn't be things such as gyms.

. My target audience's favourite subjects could be the lesson PE , because that is a lesson where they are able to keep fit and healthy.

. My target audiences health and the way their body looks is probably most important to them.

. They would probably use social medias such as instagram, to see how influencers get fit and healthy. They may also watch youtube videos which guide them along the sets of becoming  fit and healthy.

. Maybe their friends would describe them as a determined person who is willing to keep going as long as it benefits themselves, mainly their health and fitness is their key motivation in life.

. They may enjoy music very much , personally music is a key motivator for me myself so probably them too, like when they are exercising they may listen to music whilst getting fit.

. My product would appeal to this type of person because my magazine is exactly right for this person because it will include health tips and fitness tips and motivations to help them with their fitness journey.

Magazine initial planning

Name: Fitness Fusion


House style: 

Wednesday 5th July 2023

LO: to explore and understand how to use inDesign for magazine layouts

Wednesday 12th July 2023


Wednesday 13th september 2023

coursework review

LO: to recap brief criteria and to explore how go create effective representations

For my main image I want it to be a photo of one of my friends (izzy or lowen) doing a fitness pose/ or holding something fitness related. I want my colour palette to include a variety of blue colouring , white and black.

TO DO List:

- Get magazine layout completed
- Get the photo of my person
- fully decide 

Wednesday 27th September 2023

Do now

Coverlines: . burn more calories , in less time
            . Get moving!
            . Better energy everyday
            . Outsmart your body!
            . make what seems impossible , possible

Wednesday 1st November 2023

- interview
- eating healthy
- how to
- review

Article writing

LO: To create a convincing  article for a teen health & fitness magazines /websites using appropriate language, tone and representation.

elements for a DPS

- headline
- Columbus
- photos
- drop cap

Thinking points

. On my DPS I plan to have a recipe and a program exercise for the gym which belongs to the model of my FP

. It will be about ^

. there will be step by step photos of the recipe and workouts

. 18 , 19

.  no I will use a different font 

. The magazine name will star at the top of the magazine 


Write your article

1.) refer to my recipe 

Wednesday 8th November 2023



    Good research into conventions and analysis

    Detailed and thorough - well done!

    A good start - which masthead are you using?
    I'd like to see more about how you're going to target teens.


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