
 Monday 11th December 2023

Do now

1) Audience, representations , media language 

2) actors , hair and. makeup

3) historical, political and social media language 

Social - Gender , ethnicity , sex,  etc

What is news ?

LO: to explore the history of the news industry and the genres of newspaper

What is the purpose of news?

- To inform people globally and regionly

250 years ago people would go to the market an spread news to each other

150 years years ago the steam press came out and made it possible for people to make a business selling news

It is mostly good because you are able to discover and find out news you wouldn't be able to know 100+ years before , but it also negative because not very nice stuff gets shared.

1960s and class

The difference between newspapers


- Harder news agenda e.g 

- politics  , finance , international news

- more formal language register

- pages dominated by copy

- target audience higher market

-  offers news as info







- the daily telegraph

- financial times

Monday 8th January 2024

Do now:  

What is the purpose of news?
to educate , inform , profit, entertain and share news with the public

How was news shared historically?
through people sharing their news with other in a conversation 

. What development  150 years ago made it possible to make money from news? 
the printed press


Red box 

Big font

Multiple photos

Lower class

small amount of text


 Harder news agenda e.g 

 politics  , finance , international news

more formal language register

 pages dominated by copy

target audience higher market

offers news as info


No colour

More pictures

Less writing than broadsheet but more than tabloid


LO : To explore the nature and ownership of the news industry

71%  of national newspaper circulation

-  Rupert Murdoch owns the sun , the times and the sun on sunday
-  Scott trusts owns the guardian newspaper
-  Lord rothermere owns the daily mail 

What is the main aim of newspapers ? - money

How might that impact on the content ? - Whatever is popular sells

- The audience are left with a descion  to believe or disbelieve the news they have received

- A bias society will be created  because some will believe and others wont 

-  There are ethical and more codes for the press however it is self regulating

Newspaper groups                 Titles owned            Daily market share 2021

Lord rothermere                     The mail                        39%

Rupert M                               The sun and times          28%

Barcarly brothers            star , express, mirror , ppl     16%

Telegraph group            guardian                                 5% 

Monday 15th January 2023

Do now: 

1.) scotts trust

2.)  Rupert Murdoch

3.)  Cross media conglomerate 

4.) Lord Rothermere

5.) 71%

How does media ownership contribute to new bias?

- Commercial advertising ties
- Political opinion of owner 
- Business interests of owners/friends 
- Profit; newspapers are psb - news is not non-fiction it is stories designed to sell

The Guardian : Guardian News and Media's publications/websites, including the UK parent version and Guardian US, have a left of centre or broadly socially liberal political stance.

The mirror: Daily. Daily Mirror – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported the Labour Party since the 1945 general election.

How do newspapers make money?

- Circulation
- Advertising
- Paywalls & Membership
- Events & Other sales 
- Sponsored content

- Subscription 

- The guardian/the observer 

- Paying access to online content 

- Print advertising

Wednesday 29th January 2023

Freedom and Regulation


. To prevent unwanted news being spread

. To protect privacy

. To hold newspapers too account


. To avoid bias

. Press freedom

. No control , so investigate sensitive areas


LO : To investigate the audience for the observer publication

- The shop
- Online
- Websites

Who owns the guardian/Observer  : The scott trust

Political stance: Left 

How are they regulated: Self regulation

How do they make money: They promote their business online and in shops

What age: 15-35

Gender: Male 

Where they live: London and the south

Social class: ABC1

Political view: Left wing

Values + Interest: Arts and culture , food and drink

Social economic scale 

1.) Definition of convergence : When newspapers operate online and in the press , multiple media companies coming together. 

2.) This applies to the observer as they have expanded from a regular newspaper to apps and online websites o it has spread and can be much largely read.

3.0 the online website s can appeal to the online audience , gaining them more readers.

Monday 5th February 2024

Do now:

 The newspaper are funded via many ways , 

  1. Making money from a newspaper or magazine involves a combination of revenue streams. 
  2. Subscription Sales: Offer both print and digital subscriptions to readers who want regular access to your content.
  3. Advertising: Sell ad space to businesses looking to reach your readership
  4. From their online websites

Media Language 

LO: To investigate how print newspaper  use media language to create meaning

Advantage of online news :

-  Its more convenient 

- They can publish it faster

- They dont have to pay for printers and deliverers

- instant updates

- interactive features

Disadvantage :

- They dont gain any money

- Less people will buy their newspapers , because they will resort to online 

Representation :

Ideologies : Liberalism , internationalism , patriarchy , anti-sexism , racism 

Consumerism : buying things
Celebrity culture : following people we dont know , but are classed as celebrities 
Multiculturalism ; Appreciating different culture

Masthead: "The observer" In full black , italics
Date line: Sunday 4th February 2024
By line: Carole Cadwalladr
Headline: "Labour draws up ultra-safe bomb-proof manifesto"
Subhead: "Patients tell of trauma at rehab linked to scientology"
Caption: "Sinn feins Michelle O'neil takes her place in Stormont  yesterday as Northern Ireland's first minister"
Stand first:
Main image:
Minor images:
Pull quote:

Monday 19th February 2024


An advantage of print newspapers from the shop is that the newspaper is kept up to date
An disadvantage of print newspapers from the shop is that it is a waste of paper

An advantage of reading print newspapers interactive features
An disadvantage of reading the print newspapers online they might be biased

- Left wing
- Supporting Ukraine
- The lexis in the headline suggests that they are supporting the losing side of this war
"pleads" - begs for help.

Equality :

Monday 26th February 2024

1) What is typography ? The arrangement of a font ✓

2)  What is the layout referring to ? where different elements have been placed on the page 

3)  What is the lexis? the words placed on the newspaper cover 

4) What is the masthead?  The main title of a piece ✓

5) What is the skybox? Promotional boxes above the name plate of a newspaper ✓

Historical case studies

LO: to evaluate the impact of social, cultural , political and historic contexts on 1960s newspapers

Guardian / Observer has not changed -  still middle class labour - liberal supporters


1.)  This quote suggests that gender equality is taking a change and taking the next step to being fully equal.


3.) America is being accused of espionage. At the time America was at war with Vietnam.

Monday 4th March 2024
Do now:

1)  What is the navigation bar ?  A link to appropriate sections / pages in a website

2) What is a banner referring to ? a heading or advertisement appearing on a web page

3) What is a pull quote ? Made up of text that is  duplicated and presented on the page as attention-grabbing visual element

4) What is a stand first? The first summary paragraph

5) What is a masthead? The title of the newspaper

Lawyers will urge divorce by consent : Women have more rights. 1960s - social change - starting to move towards gender equality. 

Wilson brown market clash - A political news story , surrounding Europe and relationships with Britain

 'So polite , this north sea spy game' Cold war , america , soviet union , russia , planes over the uk

- Human wave attack
- Hope rise for cease-fire in Vietnam
- Enough of this sorrow

Jackie : Were very happy - reflects a Patriarchy society , that she is shown for getting married and not grieving her husbands assassination 

Union postpones strike: Barbra castle female politician only female with power promoting an equal gender pay

Briton shoots a gold - The article mentions the black power protest at the Mexico olympics , reflecting the anti - racist movements of the 1960s. Uses the term 'Negro'

Monday 11th March 2023

Do now:

- Gender equality
- War
- Vietnam war
- Espionage
- Nuclear war
- Racism
- Homophobia

Explain how broadsheet newspapers reflect the time and historic contexts in which they were published. refer to the observer front page from October 20th 1966 that you have studied to support your answer - 10 marks 

The observer cover from the 1960s reflects the racism of the time. An example of this is in the headline "Briton shoots gold". This refers back to the Mexico olympics where black power was posterior and olympians were wearing black gloves to show their support however this failed and the fellow supporters were suspended due to their participation. This clearly indicates that in society in the 1960s we saw more racism and it was publicly accepted , so far to say it was allowed in a newspaper.Newspapers reflect the time of their production and the contextual issues that are in that time.

Moreover the observer displays the patriarchy during the 1960s. The patriarchy was particularly apparent during the 60s and it was displayed through an advert. The advert is a rather sexual image of a woman posing in her lingerie for a clothing institute  , it is implied that this advertisement was for the liking of men not women.This suggest women weren't as accepted and were not being shown on the magazine as being great figures and in power quite the opposite actually , they are shown as being feminine and sexual. Meanwhile the men are shown to be great and have accomplished significant things.This clearly indicates the divide between women and men during the 1960s.Newspapers reflect the time of their production and the contextual issues that are in time.

Another example of this shown of the observer from the 1960s is the threat of espionage and nuclear war. A example of this is indicated through the headline "This north sea spy game". This is a clear indicator of the fear our country had at the time. their were rumours of Britain being overtaken by a nuclear war , not only that but also the threat espionage the people were unsure of the idea and genuinely scared of people secretly discovering information about their country.In this example they even include a diagram of what they believe. "Russian aircraft flies into nato radiar network" this very quote overviews the paranoria of the press and the people that Russia was going to attack. 

Do now:

1) In the 1960s Observer  front page copy appear?
dominates the front page
2) The title - The observer title
3) stories- 9
4) by line - who wrote the story

Monday 18th March 2024

Exam format
LO: to explore the exam format and content for news unit

6.) 1 mark question ; industry and terminology 
- could be in terminology or specific industry based 
- the scott trust
- regulated by IPSO
- globalisation
- diversification
- convergence

7.) 4 mark question: social media & online press (industry)
- Online diversification
- use of social media
- newspaper funding
- hard vs soft news 

Print attracts audience
- No Internet access

7 - One reason that print newspapers survive depsite the growth of online is the older generation , they grew up with newspapers so they still want to stick to their ways.Another reason is people who cant access the internet so it it is substantial for them.

 8.) 5 marks unseen extract short analysis ; contemporary print & representation

 8- Representation of people from different racial backgrounds. 

The guardian represent under looked representations on the cover of the observer. In the skybox a woman "has shamed the BBC" This is a powerful outcome as the BBC is a big corporation so if one person is able to bring shame over them they're powerful and strong.
Another representation on the observer is on the main cover. Their is rep of a multi culturelism all in one space.The people are shown holding banners stating "Violence is silence" This suggest that they're represented protesting for their equality. This really adds power to the image , they look like they are here to share and fight for their rights.

9.) 15 mark unseen extract long analysis 
- make a clear judgement
- representation
- media language
- L ; Langauge
- I : Industry
- A : Audience
- R : Representation
- Genre = Type

Do now:
- conventions of a tabloid newspaper covers: Red Masthead , lots of pictures
- conventions of a broadsheet newspaper cover: More stories and paragraphs 
- which is the observer: Broadsheet

Guided practice 09

LO: To explore the exam format for Q9 for the news unit and apply analysis skills and exam writing technique

. broadsheet : 
. copy :
. masthead : bold , serif , black , white  , capitals +   lowercase , serious news , b+w soft- traditional element , upper , lower case , formed elements. colourful skybox
. image : Mid shot , press conference , staged photo , Sunak and American deputy president , positive photo , formal  , hard news , expected in the industry for a broadsheet , an alliance , us and uk work together throughout history , flags and facial expression show a union.

Th observer cover reflects generic conventions of broadsheet newspaper due to many additions included in the  cover. The masthead is a typical Broadsheet masthead. An examaple of this is in the formal masthead black , bold text in a serif.This is quite bland and serious adding to the depth of seriousness in this paper.This is traditional and what most use within. However they are somewhat unique within this range such as their sky boxes. their sky boxes are vibrant pinks , blues , greens , whites and yellows. Making this unusual for a broadsheet paper.

The observer cover reflects generic conventions of a broadsheet newspaper due to many additions included within the cover . This cover only displays ONE main image , which is traditional within a broadsheet. This one image displays a relationship between sunak and the American  deputy president . This is a positive  mid shot image of the two clasping hands suggesting the alliance between the UK and USA when it comes to political stances. This photo is clearly a staged photo of the two  , to show the audience that friendship but also power behind this photo.

Monday 15th April 2024
LO:To reflect on the exam and identify areas to improve
1) L - language I - Industry A - Audience R - Representation
2) Cold war , Racism , Patriarchy 
3) Ukrainian war , Accepting sexuality and culture

Q6 - How many relevant category o categorisation system e.g age , class . economic status , gender , race , and ethnicity

- Location prevents the company from regulating other countries
- Too complex

Q8- The observer front page exhibits the conventions of a broadsheet newspaper when it uses more formal language.

Q9-  Multiple reps are shown throughout the observer. such as the rep of terroist through the point of view of his parents. reflects the context of the rise of terrorism , the observers perspective and sympathetic liberal view.

Q10- - lesser consumerism
          - social change on news stories
          - persistence of homophobia
          - cold war

Monday 22nd April 2024

Left wing :
Change , progress , equality , supporting others
1) Honesty , interiorly , fairness , Left wing
2) Black masthead , One main image , a lot of writing

Exam format Q9
LO: to explore the exam format & content  for the news  unit

- Judgement , LIAR , contexts

- Gender roles
- Multiculturalism
- Lifestyles
- Democracy / Liberal viewpoint
- Consumerism 
- Celebrity culture 
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- colour pallet
- lexis 
- typography
- font choice
- Masthead
- Main image / image
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- it looks like a broadsheet

The observer  cover clearly displays itself as a broadsheet newspaper. We can see this through the widely spread conventions.An example of this is the main image , for starters  there is only one bold clear main image so that already comes to us that this is a broadsheet newspaper as most broadsheets traditionally have this aspect. Further on we can see the image reflects multiculturalism , as they're presenting a black woman  as their overall representation. Which links to their beliefs in left - wing beliefs of equality. Therefore it is evident that the observer does use media language to reflect the generic codes of a Broadsheet newspaper.
The observer cover clearly displays itself as a broadsheet newspapers. We can see this through its widely  spread convention. An example of this is in the sky box. The skybox represents gender roles , as there are multiple women.This suggests that the observer supports equality of gender as women were once seen as unimportant within the media , but now the observer is pro casting that this is not the case anymore. This also shows a a reflection of what wing the observers is in (left) as theyre providing us with their beliefs in how women should be viewed.

Monday 29th April 2024

- Red masthead
- Multiple main image
- not a-lot of writing
- informal
- Black masthead
- One main image
- formal
- lots of writing

- A colourful skybox
- Alot of writing
-  one main image

Q10 Modern analysis 
LO: to explore the contextual issues of news in a modern newspaper

context : The information provided , the history , what was life like at the time , influences

- Wars ; Russia and Ukraine , Palestine and Israel
- Lifestyle -> Equality
- Less patriarchal 
- Technology  -> more advanced  -> mobile phones -> printing 
- Consumerism

1.) Wars
2.) Lifestyle : "Multiculturalism" being influenced on the cover  of the observer , showing their support to black lives better.  Multicultural influence in the  skybox of writers from ethnic backgrounds. 
3.) Less patriarchal : More focus appointed to a woman (main image) 
4.) Technology 
5.) Consumerism : "Garden special" , Article on outside furniture 
6.) Fame + Celebrity
7.) Online news

The observer cover from today depicts the contextual issue of being less patriarchal. An example of this is seen in the front cover of the observers main image  where a woman is depicted in the belarus march . She shown white , showing her feminity and purity but still fighting for her rights. This image is making women have a great image , powerful and greatness within this.



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