
 Monday 1st November 2021


L.O-To Apply Narrative Theory ToYour Own  Ideas

1.)-Sex In The City


3.)-Harry Potter


5.)Polar Express

6.)-Planet Of The Apes


8.)-Night Of The Museum

Task 1-

Equilibrium-Where Everything In The Film Is Normal

Disruption-When The Normal Goes Wrong

Recognition Of Disruption-When It Starts To Be Recognised By The Main Character

Attempt To Solve Disruption- The Films Starts To Get Back To Normal

New Equilibrium-A Good Ending


 When A Student From Will-Comb High School Has A Unexpected Nightmare Of All There Closet Friends Get A Deadly Punishments..? But As Far As She's Aware Its Just A Nightmare.That Is Until One Of Her Close Friends Who Were In Her Nightmare Was Brutally Murdered The Same Exact Way As How She Dreamed It.

Wednesday 15th November 2021

Extreme close Up-

Close Up-

Medium Close Up-

Mid Shot-

Long Shot 

Establishing Shot-

Birds Eye View Shot-

Low Angle Shot-

High Angle Shot-

Canted Angle-

Point Of View Shot-

Over Shoulder shot-

Medium Close Up-

Long Shot 

Low Angle Shot-

High Angle Shot-

Canted Angle-

Point Of View Shot-

Over Shoulder shot-

Movement of Camera- involves moving the camera upwards or downwards in relation to a subject. It's different from tilting in that the entire camera ascends or descends, rather than just the angle of the camera

Lesson 5:Setting And Colour- Monday 29th November

L/O:To Explore The Use Of Setting & Colour In Films

1.)-An isolated house in a rural setting for a horror film -It would be good because that one person would be alone make it more tense and pressuring for the one character and the viewer.

2.)-A big city for an action film-This makes the scene more exciting because there will be a lot of people and cars,making the scene more exhilarating and loud which really shows action.

3.)-A small seaside town for a romantic comedy-This is usually a ideal location for a romantic movie because the small town has more of a chance for a romantic pair to fall in love.

4.)-A range of different countries for an action adventure film-This is perfect for action adventure films because it would show the characters travelling  which  is better than one country if its an adventure film.

5.)-A large modern science laboratory for a science-fiction film-This is also good for a science fiction film because it would be a great place for scientific. 


1.) Blue and red for a new superhero costume - Because these are some of the primary colours and you can kind of tell that there good but powerful.

2.) A black suit for a villain-This shows that the character is dark and evil because black usually means death this shows this character isn't friendly.

3.)-Bright colours for a comedy- If the colours are bright it usually means a cheerful and happy film.

-where does action take place?-In different locations

-why do you think the story set in that particular place-maybe it makes it look more pressuring 

-when and how does he setting setting change-the setting changes when it fades black because its a new scene

-How does the setting affect the the characters and the way they behave-Because there in different locations

- How could tell where the story was taking place-because you can see the background

-Could you tell where the story was a different place-most probably not

-Can you tell when the story is taking place-No because some parts look modern some look into the future

-What clues might be there to tell us whether the story is in the past or future-Well there is a lot of high technical  stuff so id say its in the future

-Because it adds character

-yes like a villain will usually have dark colour

The film posters a;l look like a deep action film

the movie would have greens,whites and greys

For a horror movie the setting would be dark,gloomy and mysterious because it makes it more scary because if there something behind the character you wont be able to see it. 

Monday 13th December 

L:O-To explore different style of photography 

Looking down

the people in the frame are Meghan and Lowen 

The person taking the shot:summer

WWW: i think it all went well to be honest

EBI: if we included more shots

Favourite picture 1 & 5. 1 because its kind of a close up of 
Monday 10th January 2022

LO:To explore the use of sound in films
1.)-a horror film -eerie music,mixed volumes,creaky floor boards,rain and thunder,
2.) an action movie- Loud,drums
Diegetic-Sounds you would hear if you were in the scene E.g Someone Speaking,Footsteps, Music On a  Radio 
Non Diegetic- Sounds That Only the Audience Can Hear E.g Narration,Internal dialogue,Music.

Diegetic                              non-diegetic
       -speech                                    -music-e.g drums and other 
                     -door opening                                     -singing                                        
-gun shot                                          -a ding  
 - a meow from a cat                                           -explosions    
- a click      - a hit -screaming   -glass breaking                                     -drum beats                 

Foley-  Foley is a unique sound technique  that involves creating and “performing” everyday sounds for movies and television shows. Foley artists create these sounds in a recording studio during post-production, in synchrony with the picture, to enhance the quality of the audio.       
Video sounds-
Game noises
Dog barking
Box opening
Box Being Pushed By Dog
Boy sighing 
Door opening        

1.)-yes there is music
2.)-A feeling of slight excitement
3.)-At certain points etc-when the characters are running from an explosion
4.) Action
5.)- Fighting,speech and explosions
6.)- They sound serious]
7.)- There Voices were quite but clear
8)- A Serious Character

sounds id use-
Liquids,droplet noise,

Monday 24th January 2022
L.O:To explore the use of mise-en-scene in films
2.)-Back to the future
3.)-Star wars
5.)-The Matrix
7.)-The green knight
8.)-Independence day
10.)-Jurassic park

whose bedroom is this:-It looks like it belongs to a teenage boy

Settings & Props
-Science Fiction: setting-The future,an other universe or dimension
Props:-Lazar Guns,Spaceships,swords,computers and guns.
-A Romantic Comedy:- Setting:A park,A restaurant And a house
    Props:Wealth such as cars,A wedding ring.A mansion

-A Horror Movie:-Setting;Cabins,Amusement Parks,Forests,Cemeteries,Abandoned Old buildings 
Props:A Chainsaw,sunglasses,A knife/weapon,Ouija Board,Video Camera,Baseball Bat. 

Costume hair and makeup
1.) The first guy looks like he's some sort of explorer. His hat shows that he's an adventurer.His face is sweaty and greasy meaning that he's  been in heat. Also his clothes are crumpled meaning they haven't  been changed for a while.
2.)-This girl Is the main protagonist of the movie mean girls.From her outfit you can tell that shes girly


Face Expressions & Body Language-
1.- In the first image, you can see three people sat at a dinning table.The way they all are looking at each other implicates that something has happened.
2.)-By the way the guy is standing it looks like he just won a fight or he's starting one.Also by the way he looks down it looks like he's looking down to some one  or something.
Lighting & Colour-
Low Key Lighting
-Produces sharp contrasts of light and dark areas
- Deep,distinct shadows/silhouettes are formed
High key Lighting
-Lighting is natural and realistic to our eyes
-Produces brightly lit sets or a sunny day
Task: The lighting of this scene looks like some sort of horror.

Positioning of people:The two guys look like there watching Tv together or something.

Monday 7th February 2022
LO:to experiment with foley and sound effects
1.) Setting & props - the setting looks to be a dinning room and the props are: candles,seating and some sort of food.
2.)Costumes & hair- they all seem to be in a quite wealthy clothing and there hair is either tied up or just let free.
3.)-Facial expressions - They all seem to be looking at something in a serious manor. 
4.)-Lighting and colour-The lighting in this scene is quite dark and dull.
5.)- Character objects within the frame:- they seem to be wealthy.

Creative task:
1.)- setting:It would be all white and immaculate
2.)-Props: Space ships,Lazer guns,different species
3.)- hair & make up -hair tied up and a galactic sort of outfit.
4.)- Lighting- would be light outside but not in space
5.)-positioning- all quite far apart

Sounds I heard: music,water,breathing,brushing teeth,tap running,clicking of mirror,sound of draw opening,shutting door,spreading toast     
Sounds what went well:    the typing of the computer , scrubbing of the sponge, running the water and tapping the spoons against each other.
Sounds what didn't go so well : Hitting of the tea packets,unscrewing the water bottle lid and scrunching the laminated paper.

Monday 28th February 2022
LO: To explore the disaster movie genre
Disaster Movies
The Movie iam going to do is twister
The synopsis-
During the approach of the most powerful storm in decades, university professor Dr. Jo Harding (Helen Hunt) and an underfunded team of students prepare the prototype for Dorothy, a ground-breaking tornado data-gathering device conceived by her estranged husband, Bill (Bill Paxton). When Harding tells Bill that Dorothy is ready for testing -- and that their privately funded rival Dr. Jonas Miller (Cary Elwes) has stolen the idea and built his own -- Bill rejoins the team for one last mission.
What is the disaster?-
a group of storm chasers trying to deploy a tornado research device during  a outbreak in Oklahoma.

Disaster Movies
- The birds
- Impossible
- Jurassic world
1.) In jurassic park, Owen Grady is the main character But that also includes Claire. So That Means The Main Parts Are mixed.
2.) In Jurassic World Owen Mainly Saves the day but he is followed by Claire,Zia and Maize.
3.) The disaster of this film is fallen into a volcano is going to erupt but there is dinosaurs on the island so they want too save the animals before its too late.
4.)The end of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom takes the series in a dramatic new direction. Isla Nublar has effectively been destroyed – or at best, turned into an uninhabitable rock just off the coast of Costa Rica. But more importantly, the dinosaurs are now free. Properly free.
5.) It involves travel as they use a plane to fly to Isla Nublar and they use jeeps.
6.) They all involve a percific  disaster.
1.) The family is the all the main characters. so its a slight mix but still more male.
2.) The mother Maria saves her kids.
3.) a tsunami takes over a families hoilday.
4.)the family ends up safe
6.) it involves a dangerous disaster.

1.) Characters 
2.) Setting
3.) Actions
4.) Props
5.) Colour connotations
6.) Narrative suggestions
7.) Text elements 
8.) Other genres included

Disaster movie : C3 
1. ) The main character is Shu jin, he is just a average teen boy.
2.) The disaster is the 3 boys get sucked into a vending machine by typing in "C3" and end up in some sort of world full of illusions.
3.) Some other characters are. Koi Chu and he is very close friends with shu jin. Another is rantaro kizoji and he is also very close too shu but does later on be revealed as a betrayer. The other is Maki harakawa and she is also one of there best friends.
4.) Arla  harakawa  is killed in the forest, by rantaro kizoji. He is manipulated/forced by the spirit of Angie too kill Maki or she would doing something something far more worse.
5.) The reveal of rantaro kizoji as mastermind causes conflict between shu jin and rantaro  kizoji. As shu jin threatens too shoot rantaro if he doesn't explain 
6.) It ends on a cliffhanger. with rantaro at the edge of a building about too punish himself for killing maki.then it fades black stating "Game Over."
7.) Koi And shu wake up in hospital beds as if they were in a coma.

Monday 14th March 2022
LO:     To effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie

1.) The day after tomorrow
2.) 2012
3.) impossible 
4.) war of the world 
5. Godzilla
6.) twister

Deep Blue sea : 

Characters -
- Dr Susan 
- Jim Whitlock
- Russel franklin
- Carter blake
- Janice Higgins 
Setting - A marine lab 
Actions - swimming

1.) A summary of my story is that 4 teen friends at a school decided to try a an urban legend called C3, Once they try the legend it happens to work taking them to a world full of illusions and disaster. It is set in a world of illusions. The lead characters are Shu Jin, Koi and rantaro kizoji. It is about Betrayal And The Main Part Of The Story is when rantaro kizoji

2.) C3 is set in Pennsylvania, the Town of  scranton. This is also set in the future so around 2025-2026.  There highschool is Scranton Highschool.

3.) The mood of  the movie is supposed to give a nostalgic  feeling to the viewers , as that is the same feeling the actors would feel being in this world full of illusions and disasters.

4.)  The main shots would be a eye view from the protagonist , over the shoulder shot and a mid shots.

5.) The message about this movie is saying to not always trust the people that you think you trust because they might  have there secrets.
Name of  story : C3

Monday 28th March 2022

LO: to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie 

1.) A animal attack
2.) A Volcano eruption 
3.) A Character who is  heroic 
4.) A life threatening disaster 
5.) A Problem 
6.) A Endangered Family Characters


Equilibrium  - At the beginning of C3 , Taro, Shu, Koi & Maki are all sat down together eating there breakfast.
Disruption -  The disruption is when they try the urban legend of the vending machine ( 4 people typing C3 Into the vending machine)  and they get sucked into the world full of illusions and disaster.
Recognition of disruption -  Shu (The protagonist) realises what trouble they are in. And that where they have ended up is not safe for any of them and could leave to death.
Attempt to solve - When shu tries to solve the case this at the pool scene where shu asks rantaro questions and is trying to find out the culprit of what has been happening but does still not know the real perpetrator.
New Equilibrium - At the end of the traumatic event two die (rantaro & maki) Making is brutally murdered and taro takes his own life to end the whole game to get shu and koi back to reality where at the end they both wake up in a hospital bed as if it never happened.

The Hero - Technically theres is 2 hero's but  Shu is the protagonist
The Villain - The villain's of this movie are Rantaro & Angie.
The Donor - The Villain of the story (rantaro) is the donor of the story.
The Helper - Koi are the helpers as they help shu figure out what is going on .
The Princess - The three (Maki, koi and shu) .
The Princess father - there parents are dead.
The false hero - The false hero is shu as most people would think he would be the one to save the day as he i the protagonist.
The dispatcher - Angie tells rantaro how he can save them.

Monday 25th April 2022

Script writing and storyboarding 

- A brief summary of my movie is there are 4 friends who decide to try out an urban legend , known as C3. To there surprise the urban legend actually works and they are sucked into the other dimension. Whilst being there a lot of  disastrous events.

1.) "im hungry "
2.) "I've lost my cat" 
3.) "Im so tired"
4.) "I'm late for school"
5.) "I'm really annoyed with her"

im hungry 

Ive lost my cat

Im so tired

Late for school

the disaster beginning 

- Location : A School, In Pensilvania , In the daytime.
- Action : The 4 Friends Getting sucked In The Vending Machine
- Character (s) : Vivi, Spencer, Reece & Kilo
- Dialogue 

Reece :  [excitedly] " Guys come onn , I think we should test this urban legend."

Kilo : [nervously] " I dont know... i dont think it sounds like a good idea"

Spencer :  [unconvinced] *Spencer Face palms* " oh kilo dont be so paranoid , its not like Reece's stupid urban nonsense actually works "

Vivi : [ agreeing]  "Exactly!"

Reece : [offended by his friends responses] * Reece frowns* "you guys are all boringg..."

Spencer :  [ spencer finally decided to give in] "Yknow what- lets just test it to shut him up"

Kilo :  [ worried ] *shaking in fear*

*they all walk over to the vending machine*

Monday 9th may 2022


LO: to explore how a film is made and  the various industry roles 

Starter : The Big Six 

- Universal 
- Sony
- Warner Bros 
- Paramount 
- Walt Disney
-  20th century fox

Film industry Jobs

- Actor / Actress
- Director 
- Editor 
- Photographer / Camera crew
-  Script Writer
- A set designer 


Salary - 

How Much Does an Actor Make? Actors made a median salary of $43,760 in 2020. The best-paid 25 percent made $60,760 that year, while the lowest-paid 25 percent made $28,080.Acting Career Outlook - 

Employment of actors is projected to grow 32 percent from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations. About 8,200 openings for actors are projected each year, on average, over the decade.


salary - 

A Producer can receive an average pay level of between $36,070 - $184,660 depending on experience and talent. can get a compensation of ninety-six thousand six hundred and ninety dollars on a yearly basis.
Producer Career OutlookEmployment of producers and directors is projected to grow 24 percent from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations. About 15,600 openings for producers and directors are projected each year, on average, over the decade.
Makeup artist - Salary 
With the highest average salary, movie MUAs can typically earn approximately $74,000 USD to $92,000 USD. Coming in as a close second, celebrity makeup artists can find themselves earning an average of $60,000 USD to 86,000 USD per year

If you become a makeup artist, you will never have to worry about not being able to find work. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the beauty industry is expected to grow 8% from 2018 to 2028 – faster than the national average

Pre-Production -
Pre-production is the stage of a film, television or commercial production that takes place before filming begins. It is followed by production (during which visual content will be filmed) and post-production (where the filmed visual content will be edited into a coherent whole).
Production - 
Film Production is created in 5 phases: development, pre-production, production, post-production, and distribution. Each phase has a different purpose, with the overarching goal to get to the next one, and ultimately on to distribution. Each stage varies in length, and different roles suit different stages.
Post-Production - 

In television, the phases of post-production include: editing, video editing, color grading, sound editing, animation and visual effects insertions, viewing and the start of the airing process.

- on tv trailers
- posters
- in telephone boxes


Monday 23rd May 2022
LO- to develop an effective film marketing strategy 
Movie Marketing
- Film Trailer 
- Social media campaign 
- Influence marketing 
- Online ads 
-  Team up with radio channels 

Trailer - Mentions other movies they have created
        - Displays the company who created the movie
        - The date of when it is premiered in cinemas 
       - age recommendation , invites viewers of a different age 
          Advertisement - On cinema posters
                         - On Tv (mainly children's programs )  
                         - In a telephone box / buses & bustops
                         - Shops
               Elements / information of movie posters 
                              - A title 
             - graphic (s) 
             - Date of when its comes out
             - The Main Character (s)
             - The theme
             - Colour use
            - The main producer / director 
            - A slogan 

     Narrative clues - 13 minutes 

13 minutes s a psychological thriller that looks at life through the eyes of a bunch of 16 year olds. So, to the characters. The majority of the story is narrated through Becca, who was once firm friends with Tasha until she was unceremoniously dumped because she no longer fit the image required to become ‘popular’. Quickly replaced by a newer, prettier version Becca never totally got over the rejection and in fact suffers from rather low self esteem. Tasha and her two followers (known as the Barbies) are the toast of the school, everyone wants to be their friend – or just be noticed by them. They’re beautiful. They set trends and go to all the cool parties. However, it does seem that after Tasha’s near death experience something isn’t quite right. The friendship doesn’t seem to click any more and there is something strange unfolding.

The setting is pretty much a modern day high school setting and obviously most of the characters are 16 years of age, so it seems on the face of it that this is aimed at a YA audience – however, don’t be fooled by that. This is a clever story, well written with plenty of mystery and tension. I would also mention that the f-bomb, sex and drugs play a role here but only in a way that gives the story added realism and not in a gratuitous fashion.

This image reflects a natural disaster , as we can see a tornado what is coming towards the child. We can also notice that the child is grasping onto a teddy-bear showing a sign of vulnerability. The colour palate are shades of blue , greys and blacks meaning its a cold selection use of colours. The font they used  is bold and cracked , meaning it suggests  that there is breakage and pain.

                       Wednesday 13th June 2022

LO:  To create film marketing material 

the 13 suggests unlucky and the americans flag suggests that americans can fight and take one anything.

 A title 
 - A character shot
- The date the movie is released 
- colours that fit the movie theme , etc a horror movie would have cold colours
- the director / producer of the movie

i think what i did well was adding 

Monday 27th June 2022
The trailer I watched was It Chapter 1 , And what made it appealing was that they added a lot of clips of the  villain & they also added scary music so you could tell what genre it was.



  1. 29/11- good notes, target: 1. more detail in the settings for the film idea, explain the choices you make.

  2. 4/1/22- good start here to the types, T1. Cover all the shot styles.

  3. 15/3- Good start to the ideas. T: 3. More detail on what is the overall mood of the film? How will you show this through costumes or settings?
    4.More detail on how should your film be shot? You could consider special effects, CGI, camera angles, Steadicam, tripod or handheld cameras, colours used and anything else.
    5. More detail on what is the message behind your film?

  4. 25/4- Good start. T: 4. Try adding stage directions to include how the dialogue is said.

    1. 1. Add more detail to your description, include what is happening, the shot type, the music or voice over, the diegetic sound.


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