Lego Movie

Wednesday 14th September 2022

- Batman
- Green Lantern
-Wonder Woman
- Dumble door
- Super man
- Robin Hood
- Benny The Space Man
- Chewbaca 
- Han Solo
- Ninja turtle
- Shakespeare 

Wednesday 21st September 2022

At the beginning it portrays the life of a guy named emmet who just wants to fit in with everybody else , but is never noticed by the others. Emmet works at a construction sight where him and the others sing 'everything is awesome' until their shift is over , at the end of work all the others discuss hanging out , emmet wants to join them but is ignored. Now all the other workers are gone , Emmet is all by himself until he notices a mysterious figure down below who turns out to be a girl who tell's  him he is the special. Throughout the movie it shows emmet and others saving the lego world from president business. Near to the end virtuvirus tells emmet that the special is fake whilst he is dying. At the end emmet makes and agreement with president business and they save the lego worlds and emmet is finally respected and noticed.

the cast 

 The message is that you should be creative with what you want too do. but that doesn't meant you cant use instructions.

The Lego Movie :
Industry Research
LO: To research the process , companies and regulators behind the film industry

1.) In the film industry what is meant by? PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION & EXHIBITION?

Production : 

Distribution :

Exhibition :

2.) What is media conglomerate 

A media conglomerate, or a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, is something that not many people even know of, but it is crucial in understanding where your news is coming from
3.) who regulates movies in the uk 
The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). The BBFC is responsible for classifying films that have a cinema and DVD release.
4.) what age rating did they give the lego movie in the UK
The BBFC gave The Lego Movie a U rating 
5.) Who regulates video games in the uk? 
the Video Standards Council (VSC),
6.) what rating did the lego movie video game in the uk? 
the Pegi Award for The Lego Movie Game is '7' years of age.
7.)  who were the main companies produced the lego movie
Warner bros & Lin pictures
8.) who directed the movie?
Phil lord and Chris Miller
9.) Who distributed the lego movie?
Warner bros
10.) who regulates advertisement content in uk

Wednesday 28th September 2022
- Regulators are usually bodies that do one or two things:
1.) Classify products (normally by age rating)
2.) Ensures content of products meets acceptable standards 

Its good for the lego movie because the age range is for everyone , so that means more views and more money.
This game has received a PEGI 7 because it features non-realistic violence in a child-friendly setting or context and violence that lacks any apparent harm or injury to fantasy or mythical beings and creatures.

1.) Why is it important for film regulation to exist? - Its important because if it didn't exist younger / vulnerable audiences could be seeing inappropriate / explicit movies which they shouldn't see. 
5.) Why do you think Warner bros would have been very keen for the film to receive a  U certificate?- Because the more viewers included , the more money they earn. So they want more people to be able to watch there movies.
Vertical Integration
- Who owns TT fusion?
Warner Bros 
Vertical integration is the process whereby a single company controls both production and distribution stages of a product. This means all profits go back to the parent company rather than being shared out.

Vertical integration is a common form of ownership in the media industry. Some benefits what  are included , are that it helps increase profits in movies because they put the movies into cinemas and they put merchandise into a merch company , which these 2 things both makes them money. Another benefit is that helps increase the exposure of a brand or franchise , because if they advertise more viewers will get involved.

Wednesday 5th October 2022
LO: To explore the narrative & apply narrative theory to the Lego Movie 
Postmodernism :
- Challenges genre conventions: might be a mixture of many genres;    challenge typical character roles etc.
- Pastiche: imitates other text , humorous take on society/culture.
- Hyper-Reality: makes the audience aware that they are watching a    movie.
We know that the lego movie is a postmodernism film by 3 simple things named as: Challenges genre conventions , Pastiche & Hyper - Reality. First we know that there are a mixture of genres such as ; Fantasy , Action , Adventure & Comedy. Another thing is that they make fun of media/society etc , Donald trump.

Lego Movie Stages :
Equilibrium - Emmet's life , etc : Waking up , getting ready , buying coffee & going too work.
Disruption - When wyldstyle & Emmet are being chased by the police & others which makes them end up in another dimension.
Recognition of disruption - Wyldstyle and Emmet realise what lord business is up too. 
Attempt to solve - Emmet,Rainbow kitty,Benny,Pirate,Batman & Wyldstyle attempt to stop lord business
New Equilibrium - Creativity and team work is encouraged , President business is forgiven. (the boy gets to play with his dads lego).

The Hero: Emmet and Wyldstyle - Because they are the main ones throughout the movie , who end up saving the day.
The Villain: Lord Business - Because he wants everyone to be perfect & how he wants it.
The Donor: Virtuvirus - Because he helps emmet along the way.
The helper: Wyldstyle 
The princess: Wyldstyle 
The Princess's Father: Virtuvirus
The Dispatcher: Virtuvirus
The false hero: Wyldstyle 

Wednesday 12th October 2022
Target Audience
LO: To identify the target audience using demographics & psychographics.
- Young kids who play with lego : It could remind them of what they play with at home.
- Parents who played with it when they were young too : It could give them nostalgic memories , of when they played with lego.
- Young adult goers : Characters such as ones from other movies , could make them enjoy the movie more.
- All genders : Maybe the girls like unikitty and the boys like batman , therefore you have a audience of different genders

 1.) The lego movie wasn't just made for kids , it was also good for adults.
2.) Rather than getting directors who were known for doing kids movies. They brought in directors who have been known for making entertainment for older generations , making it enjoyable for all.
3.) As the children grow up , they might feel nostalgic feelings about it. And show to there children too.
1.) it had a storyline with partnership , love and humanity. Making the audience feel emotive
2.) The lego movie makes you question and relate to characters.
3.) Theres something in it for everybody

Wednesday 19th October 2022
The Lego Movie Marketing:
LO: To explore marketing & promotion of The Lego Movie; to link the methods used to the target audience.
. Cinemas
. Film Posters
. Magazine 
. Adverts
. Newspapers
. A Bilboard
. Trailers
. Social Media
. Movies on buses
. Radios
. Publicity tours
. Movie Premiers 

The promotion of linked products across different areas of the media.
Merchandise Lego Released - - >
1.) 17 Lego world sets
2.) 16 Collectable Mini Figures
3.) A sticker book
4.) The Lego Movie Video Game
5.) Range Of School Supplies
Other methods used to promote lego movie:
Links with global partners/brands
- Warner Bros The
- John Lewis & Partners
- Lego Movie Launch Event
- Mc Donald's , Mini Figures In Happy Meals

1.) Each week in January 2014 , a new character poster was released.
2.) Lego stores scheduled linked events
3.) Free accessory packs were available in stores after building creative models in-store
4.) Video game released on 4th February 
5.) On 7th February , Mcdonalds released collectable 3D cups with Happy Meals.
6.) A website enabled fans to make a lego figure of themselves online.

In Dancing on ice at 7.27pm on Sunday 9th February 2014  five days before the launch , ITV broadcast a world first , an ad break made entirely out of lego.
1.) British heart foundation , , BT & Premier Inn all paid for the production costs of their adverts themselves. 
2.) Each advert  is made of lego bricks , building an entire lego 'world'
3.) Each advert followed by a different  character 'sting' to say it was still about lego movie.

I think the lego movie marketing broke boundaries with the tv ad and linked social media campaign by using ads which they knew was popular at the time. Such as british heart foundation , premier inn , & BT. All these adverts were aimed at a certain age range premier inn (adults) , (teens) , BT (Adults) 7 British Heart Foundation (adults). 6 million  people saw the lego movie live on ITV and 1.2m saw it on youtube making more people interested in the movie. Other companies paid lego to promote there companies , which means it made more money for both lego and the other company.

Wednesday 2nd November 2022

. Why did warner bros choose to have their logos made from logo? - To display that this movie is abut lego.

Equilibrium - Emmet watching televison 
Disruption  - The threat of being put to sleep if they dont follow instructions , President business might release something.
Recognition of disruption - When Emmet realises what President Business said. Virtuvirus telling Emmet he's the chosen one.
Attempt to solve disruption - All the fighting sequences.

1.) So that the film creators dont spoil the main parts of the movie , cause else there wouldn't be any point of watching the movie if its all the movie.
2.) If the target audience is younger people, establish the disruption.


                                                                       Camera work -  It shows different scenes in the trailer.

Sound - 1.) The dialogue helps the audience understand what is going on in the scene. So it tells them the  story.2.) To show that it is a action movie and it adds at excitement 3.) it becomes more and more dramatic & tense throughout the movie.

Editing - 1.) It gets quicker to create tension for the movie 
Mis-en-scene - 1.) ? 2.) Colourful to attract children.

Wednesday 9th November 2022                                     

Lo: Explain how The Lego movie Trailer uses TWO elements of media language to target different audiences

One element used in the Lego Movie trailer was sound. Throughout the trailer various different sounds were used. such as, dialogue. Dialogue was used at certain parts of the movie so that the audience watching the trailer could have a better understanding of the storyline. Other parts of dialogue were used for humour , this tells the audience that this movie includes comedy.

Another element was camera work. We can see the use of different locations used. At the beginning Emmet is displayed in bedroom , it moves to lord business in another location and from there the locations switch.

Video Game

LO: to explain the vertical integration benefits companies;to analyse using uses & gratification theory

1.) Who is the game developer? -  TT games , TT Fusion & Travellers tales
2.) Who is the game publisher?- Warner Bros                         
  3.) When was it released?- feb 7th 2014                                 
4.) what game genre was it?- Action-adventure game, Adventure           

5.) what platforms was it released for?-  PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Android, Xbox One, iOS             
  6.)- Two players                                                 
recent film/video game releases 

Uses & Gratifications

1.) Personal identity: helps us consider who we are; what ideas and values we identify with.

2.) Information: new information we want to know take pleasure in knowing

3.) Entertainment: offers distraction from the world            

4.) Social integration: we find things we can share and discuss with others.

One use of gratification is the entertainment. We can see that because the trailer projects entertainment so makes more people want to play the game.

Another use of gratification is social integration. Because the game is a multiplayer so people and there friends and family can experience the  game together. 

Wednesday 16th November 2022                      

LO: To explain the effectiveness of the campaign; to analyse the representations on the poster campaign 

 - Batman
- A dark building standing behind batman
- Flames
- Ash from the flames     

- The dark lighting could be linked to the movie 'The Dark Knight'
- The low angle shot could make batman look more dominant
- the fire could connote  power , because fire is powerful
- The light could connote that he is actually a hero

The Lego Movie video game

First of we can see that the colour use on the poster is very mixed. Majority of the colours used are warm colours such as; Orange & Red. But there are also uses of cold colours Blue & Greens. The colourful palate connotes that they want children to play this video game , from ages up to 7-14 years. At the bottom right corner  we can see 2 logos 'TT  games' & 'Warner Bros' These may get children to play if they have seen these logos before or parents who know of them . so they buy it for there child/children. Another thing about logos is that lego has advertised themselves in the top left corner , this could also make children buy because they may have played with the lego toys before. Could also give parents a nostalgic feeling of when they used to play lego as a kid.                

The amount of different characters could invite a varied audience to play this game. Such as; gender,age range & fans. Such as the character wyldstyle , could entice girls because she's a female character. The character  'Benny The Spaceman' A character created in 1984 , could entice adults who may of known benny in there childhood , so therefore buy tickets to watch the movie. Another character what could make me wanna watch the movie could be batman fans as he is represented on the movie poster showing that he is included in the movie.

The object used in the movie poster could indicate  what you can play in the game. As emmet is holding a wrench , that could mean that you have to fix something like a 'disaster'. And if you look in the background lord business is there bigger than everybody else showing 'dominance' & 'evil' , indicating this game includes a villain, linking back to the idea of fixing a disaster. 

Wednesday 23rd November 2022                                       

In the Lego Movie Poster,there are images of super heroes etc,Green Lantern , Superman , Batman & Wonder Woman could appeal to DC fans. Because they may recognise these characters  from various movies. This part of the poster would appeal to the teenagers/adults of the target audience of this poster.                                     
In the Lego Movie,There are many different colours used in this poster. Shades of cold and warm colours making it a colourful poster. I think this would reach out to the younger generation of the audience. Because the more colour makes it seem like a more exciting movie.

In the Lego Movie, The Character Emmet is based of another character who is displayed in the movie  'the matrix'. The Character Neo and emmet are both seemed to be special making them alike. The target audience could be aimed at adults who have watched the matrix back in the 90s.
Wednesday 30th November 2022                                       

2 & 4 :2 One  element which targets the audience is the use of actors such as; Chris Pratt who is well-known , famous actor shown in many movies. People who are a fan of his work may watch the movie.

- 4 :  A connotation I spotted  the use of colourful palate they used. The bright colours stand out to the younger audience.                                                            

LO: To analyse the representations throughout the Lego Movie  promotional campaign

- In her character poster you can see she is wearing makeup 7 styled in a feminine way.    - She's emmets sidekick.           - she looks determined & not afraid of what is behind her.
Trailer and video game trailer :

- Wyldstyle is un stereo typical
-She fights well
- she drives a car
- In the video game she has more dialogue
- " Come with me if you don't wanna die. "

Wednesday 7th December 2022 

Road man
Name:Josh Adams
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Skin tone: white
Sexuality: Straight 
Name:Ebony Estes 
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Skintone: Tan
The 'Weirdo'
Name: Nathaniel Roth
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Skin tone: Mixed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Disability: Autistic 

The Emo
Name: Carley Lawson
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Skin tone: Pale
Sexuality: Lesbian
Disability: Dyslexic
A average 
Name: Mark Douglas
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Skin tone: Black
Sexuality: Straight

Wyldstyle is represented as a young character  , we can see that by her voice , attitude , style & non wrinkly face. As when we look at characters such Virtuvirus 
and Lord Business both have wrinkles.


                                      January 4th Wednesday 2023

Film : UK Regulator: BBFC 

TV & Radio : OFCOM

Advertising : ASA

Magazines & Newspapers: Ipso & Impress

Video games : Video Standards Council

Wednesday 18th January 2023

LO: To review and reflect on the unit assessment and set personal targets. 


For Q6 I need to revise the movie company of the Lego Movie

For Q7 I need to learn and properly explain what vertical integration is.

For Q8 I need to explain more about how the Lego Movie promotional campaign targeted a range of audiences.

For Q9 I needed to talk about more gender representations 


For my first analysation I chose Wyldstyle. Firstly her clothing. She wears a black zip up jacket and black jeans. Which is un stereo typical for her gender. She also has coloured/dyed hair e.g pink , blue & black. All the choices Warner bros used for her character all deter she isn't stereo typical. As most female characters are feminine , the damsel , vulnerable and without talent. Though she is quite the opposite she can fight , she can build and she saves emmet. This has a good effect on the female community , which links back to question 8 , which talks about the promotional campaign targeted range of audiences. What I mean by this is that wyldstyle's female representation may encourage women to watch the Lego Movie. My next analysation is Emmet. Now his character is a mix of stereotypical and un-stereotypical. For stereotypical Emmet is a construction worker. A construction worker is stereotypically a masculine job. Because you have to be strong which men are shown as. However the un-stereotypical side of Emmet is his personality he is a bubbly , optimistic , innocent and kind character. This is un-stereotypical because film creators like to make the male tough , strong and serious (batman).

Wednesday 4th December

. film - bbfc
. tv and radio - ofcom
.  advertising - asa
.  magazine and newspapers -Ipso
.  video games - video standard council

Target audience: family

1. Young kids who play with lego

2.  Parents of those kids who used to play with Lego 

3. Young cinema goers (15-25)

Uses and Gratifications :

-  Audience
-  P - personal identity ( The audience seeing a reflection of themself in the characters)   I  -  information ( Info given to us to describe and to make us understand) 
  E -  entertainment ( taking time out of their own life to feel enjoyment )  S - social interaction
( sharing with family and  friends or social internet)

Intertextuality - Batman

Stereotypes - Emmet stereotypically is a construction worker meanwhile isn't brave and strong not supporting the stereotype. Wyldstyle wears a black tracksuit not supporting stereotypes however she has hair and makeup done so that supports it.

Video game : 

P - Choosing characters , over 90 to chose from. Video game shows a variation of characters 
I - How the characters act , more info on characters
E - Lots going on in the game , a lot of fun 
S - Shows you can play multiplayer 

Ad break
- British heart foundation
-  BT broadband
- Premier inn
- Lego movie trailer
- In between each advert characters are featured



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