Music Magazines

 Monday 20th march 2023

Do now:

Who publishes?

- whats on TV? Time inc & IPC connect 

- Radio times? Immediate Media Company

- TV choice? H . Bauer Publishing

- Take a break? Bauer Media Group

- Good housekeeping? Hearst Communications

- Glamour? Conde Nast

- Inside soap? Nat mags

Bauer Media research: 


1.) 600

2.) Closer

3.) online in order to reduce the risk of only operating in one media form.

4.)The UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Poland and Slovakia, Bauer Media Audio owns leading brands including KISS, Mix Megapol, Absolute Radio, Magic Radio, Radio Norge, Radio Express, Radio Nova, Radio 100, Today FM, Newstalk and RMF.

5.) Bauer Media Group is a diversified media conglomerate

1.) PSO considers concerns about editorial content in newspapers and magazines, and about the conduct of journalists. IPSO handles complaints and conducts its own investigations into editorial standards and compliance.


Monday 17th April 2023

Music Genres

LO: To identify and explain different music


- Jazz

- Pop

- Indie

- Rap

- Blues

- Funk

- Rock

- Soul music

- hip hop

- disco



Rock music , also called rock&roll  is a form of popular music that emerged in the 1950s and is described as (music with strong beat)  


a type of music, usually played on electronic instruments, that is popular with many people because it consists of short songs with a strong beat and simple tunes that are easy to remember. Pop music is often simply called pop. Synonyms and related words.


Independent music also known as indie , is music done independently from commercial record labels.

Indie explanation:

- 1.)  Indie fashion can include retro, vintage, or other iconic looks that buck the mainstream. So all those styles, whether they be pieces of 80s fashion, avant-garde styles, or generally anything hearkening back to yesteryear, are perfect examples of classic indie fashion.

- 2.)  Cursive singing is a name for a style of singing that has also been called "indie girl/boy voice," "indie pop voice," and "hip singing." It is associated with a breathy voice, vocal fry, distinct vowel choices, and a thin, delicate style of singing.

-3.)Indie music is primarily characterised by the artist's independent production of music. Specifically, indie folk music focuses on themes like romanticising love, wanderlust, melancholy, and introspection.

- Indie's audience target is 16-22 , this is because an indie band wants the younger generation to listen to their music because the younger generation may listen more than the older generation so therefore the younger generation makes me them more money. 

- Rap
- Opera
- Rock
- Gangsta

Monday 15th May 2023

Music Magazines

LO: To explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines

1.) I think hammer is a punk rock magazine. I know this by the outfits the guys are wearing , they are wearing black leathered 
jackets , leathered jeans , leather boots , spiked and holed items and all is dark clothing.
They are also holding instruments which are typical for that genre of music. Also by their face expression it seems like they are  are yelling & in this genre they usually scream and yell throughout their songs , so that is what gives me the idea of punk rock.

2.) I think the Jay-Z magazine is a rap magazine. I know this by the clothing yet again , by his baseball cap it could be linked to rapping because a lot of rapper's  wear baseball caps. Another away I might be able to tell it is a rap magazine is from his hand gesture , the gesture he is using is generally used in music videos when the rapper is rapping to the beat. The review above him states "cool" "crazy" and 'crass" , all connote slang words which is what a lot of rappers use in their music.

3.) I think the Billboard Magazine is a pop magazine. I know this because Katy Perry is a well known pop artist who mostly produces pop music . so the audience can recognise it is a pop magazine. It also quotes "the new queen of pop" which clearly indicates what genre she is. Also by the amount of bright colours used in the magazine can also tell that it is a pop magazine. 

Magazine Cover Analysis


Typography: The design, or selection, of letter forms to be organised into words and sentences to be disposed in blocks of types as printing upon a page.

Layout: The plan , design or arrangement of something laid out.

Lexis: The words used in the text or spoken data;the words,phrases and idioms of language

colour palette: A combination of                                   colours used by UI designers to make the genre/theme more clear.
       Mise-en-scene: The props,costumes & scenery.

Typography: The typography used in this magazine is the wide , big text towering over the band to make it look powerful.
And the band name looks like it's been scratched on maybe indicating they're dangerous.

Layout: The main image is the band they've laid it out this way to make the group the main focus of the magazine.

Colour palette: The colour palette used is very dark colours to maybe signify death? The red is the blood and the darkness is death.


Wednesday 5th June 2023



. The pop magazine uses bright colours , such as pink , yellow and blue

. the artist usually looks happy

. big bubbly fonts

. bright scenery

. shot type: mid shot
. colour palette: black and red
. usually a band of people

. instruments

. typography: big fonts

. 1-2 people ( solo/duo )

. rap poses

. close up's to the screen / mid shot

. baggy clothing??

. typography: block caps

Genre & Target Audience

Lo: To identify target audiences for a variety of music magazines and link to genre codes


- Colour scheme of red's , grey's & black's

- Modern lower case fonts 
- "our year" shows it is about ed and liam

Monday 19th June 2023

Nicola is shown with a Violin to attract audience's who are interested in classical music.

She has a natural makeup look unlike pop magazines which use a lot of makeup and bright, bubbly colours.

The magazine quotes, 'The brilliant violinist on her exciting plans to give all children the power of music'.

The colour palette includes beige colours , to fit with the genre of the magazine.

 MOJO Audience 

Genre: Mojo is a popular music magazine published monthly in the United Kingdom, initially by Emap, and since January 2008 by Bauer. Following the success of the magazine Q, publishers Emap were looking for a title that would cater for the burgeoning interest in classic rock music.


Target audience:

 serious 'classic rock' magazine that targets an upmarket and mature audience, reflecting the context of the economic power of the 'babyboomer' generation.

Circulation: print- 52294 digital- 10439


The most successful magazines during the time of intense competition from online media have been  at the quality end of the the market. The luxury brands have been most successful.

Whats it all about?

- its a magazine that is packed with insight,passion,revelatory encounters with the greatest musicians of all-time.

- Every month you receive a bespoke CD 

- The creators and audiences are passionate about music. Their readers are obsessed with music.

 - The working-class buy the weekly magazines and the  middle class buy the more expensive magazine , the monthly one. 

. How they access music: Spotify,Youtube or Amazon music

. Hobbies & interests: He is interested in music and music artists such as; The smiths,the Beatles,bylan,bowie,pinkfloyd,Neil young and The rolling stones.

. His job is a professional with high disposable income and he has a daughter and sons.
. Dave is fun and loving 

Monday 3rd July 2023

Question one:

TV & Radio: OFCOM

Film: BBFC

Advertising: ASA

Magazines & Newspapers: ISPO & IMPRESS

Video Games: Video Standards Council

Question two:

- Camera
- Mise en scene
- Sound
- Editing

A music video uses different editing skills to put their music video together. Such as transitions, Fading in and Fading out , flashes and special effects.

Question 3:

Comercial Radio stations have different kinds of ways to attract an audience target  by the types of music they play , such as the nationality of the singer , the genre and when the song was made. For example they may play song which were made in the 80s, 90s and 2000s to involve maybe the older generation or they could play current music to attract younger audiences. Using a range of music will encourage a bigger audience and bring in more money.  It really depends on what that person is interested in , no matter what their age is. In contrast to these comercial radio's,  Radio 1 live lounge will   bring in special guests who people may be familiar with and therefore be interested in their radio, this could attract a varied audience which is really based on what people enjoy. they also produce their radio online, this will bring in the young target audience they want (15-29 year olds) because majority of young people own a device.

Question 6:


Question 7:

Another reason they would make a video game before the film comes out, would be to strengthen the brand image of the film and its franchise so audiences  develop brand awareness of the film and any sequels. So therefore the audience will have a better familiarity with the film and it's storyline.

Question 8: 

P- Personal Identity -> Recognising themselves in the character
I- Information -> You learn more about the characters
E- Entertainment -> Interesting,Fun,Exciting,Adventure
S- Social interaction -> Talk about it to friends , lego sets , video games , chats online , costumes and posters.

Monday 11th September 2023
do now

how is this targeted at men and women?

- men and women both enjoy drake's music
- some women find drake attractive
- The black , white and yellow colour palette are gender neutral 
- Men may be inspired by him
- male appeal

- Education - posh , musical education

- sophisticated language

- specialised lang-linked to music


LO: To explore the appeal of Mojo magazine to its target audience

Active audience

Reading a magazine a more active experience than, for example , watching a film at the cinema.It is far more active a process as readers can look at covers, decide which appeals the most etc.

Uses & Gratifications

. Personal Identity
. Information 
. Entertainment
. Social Interaction

Personal Identity

- The idea of being rebellious 
- She might be preserved as a role model to her fans
- The use of colour could symbolise death and darkness
- The cross hanging from her nose could indicate her disrespecting religion
- This magazine juxtaposes who she was in the 80s , in the 80s she was seen as the queen of pop placing that back to this magazine that title doesn't fit her status.


- Music magazines offer a sense of being in  contact with the world , giving information about the world of popular music.

- It mentions "Regulars" things which are usually there.

- It includes "HOT NEWS' to offer information to anyone who is interested in the latest music news

- "The mojo filter" mentions things such as;Albums,Reissues;rocks;screen;lives and how to buy.


- Music magazines offer a range of entertainment pleasures such as comedy, gossip , free gifts , striking visuals and attractive stars.

- Uses comedic lines "Jimi was going as far as he could"
- Offers a free gift, A free heavy soul CD
- Mentions gossip, "Peter buck on Miles davis"
- All the cover lines include entertainment

Social Interaction

- Music magazines offer news and gossip that might form the basis of real-life conversations and debates between the readers and their friends.

- They usually follows format and have regular sections that readers might substitute for real-life interaction - seeing the magazine as a good friend


Monday 18th September 2023

Do now:

Personal Identity - Kate doesn't perform music anymore , but people are still willing to buy a magazine about her because they still enjoy her music even if its from a different era.
Information - It included 75 albums of the year etc , artic monkeys,christine and the queens. It also mentions kate being in her "Inside her sensual world". 
Entertainment- The magazine includes 2 free gifts (CD)
Social Interaction - The social integration could be  told to friends or family. discussing :Van Morrison opens up at last"

Music industry: Q1 and Q2 

LO: To understand exam style questions and practice exam technique

Question 1:

. Ofcom 
. tv or radio what provides information , advice or entertainment
. convergence
. Diversification
. Conglomerate

Question 2:

. the PSB can be met by educating the listeners on worldwide information to keep them informed on the news. They can also play popular music tracks to entertain the audience.Radio one does just this , by bringing in music artists , having live performances , playing trending music tracks , educating their listeners and informing them on important global matters . Up coming artists are featured , topics important to 15-29 year olds. Exam advice.

Music video question 2:

Teenage dirtbag
- American school
- The jocks 
- The teenagers
- The losers
- Popular girl
- Prom/dance

Sk8ter boi

- Rampage teenagers
-A skater boy
- A ballet girl
- Has a boy girl narrative
- Romance
- city

Music videos can create a representation of certain locations. Like in Teenage dirtbag and Sk8ter boi both create a representation of their locations. Teenage dirtbag takes place in an american highschool where it almost has a hierarchy of the students jocks and popular girls being the top tier and the nerds being lower tier and less respected.However sk8ter boy takes place in a city showing teenagers to be rebellious and disrespecting the laws.

Monday 25th September 2023

Do now:

. Ofcom 
. tv or radio what provides information , advice or entertainment
. convergence
. Diversification

Q2: Explain two ways that magazines attract their audiences. Refer to your knowledge of MOJO magazine to help.

Mojo have multiple ways of making magazines that attract their audience , with the magazine I have above presents Kate bush, the audience are a fan of her music may get influenced to buy this particular magazine.Another way mojo attracts their audience is by the entertainment which is displayed on the cover of the magazine, such as the free CD. mark- 2/4

Q3:Music industry

- Camera work

- Narrative

- Editing

- Mise en scene

BBC- PSB - benefit the public -> TV licence 
Commercial -> make money -. advertising (mass)

BBC- Meet the remit - younger audience  , live music , interview

There are various methods for producers to target audiences, such as appealing to younger audiences (15-29 year oldS) they do this buy playing popular trending music tracks on the radio what 15-29 year olds are listening to at this time so it creates a targeted audience because they are into this music and will make them listen if its there to listen to. Another way the BBC provides a wider range of content than commercial radio is by having interviews on the show , such as when they invited stormzy for an interview , where he did a cover of a popular artist song (Beyoncé) A higher ranked artist than stormzy himself.Adding on to the range is the Live music they have playing. They influence upcoming artists to promote their music , this could gain listeners who may have already heard of the artist , get more to listen because they are interested in this music type or they may even get inspired to do this themself.

Monday 2nd October 2023

Do now:

1.) What is media language - The various forms of media language used to create and communicate meanings in media products, for exampleVisual codes: elements that relate to the look of a product, e.g. mise-en-scène, colour palette, layout and design. Technical codes: e.g. camera shots/ angles, editing.

2.) What is industry - A varied collection of organisations

3.) What is audience - The people who are interested in what the viewing / listening is

4.) What is representations - How something is presented

5.) What is context- The idea , background information

Teenage Dirtbag Representations:

- Loser, looked down on , laughed at , not popular , clothing: not stylish, juxtaposes the jock

- Popular girl, slow mo of her walking, dating the jock , pretty , clothing: preppy 

- Jock, Popular, dating popular girl, bully, juxtaposes the loser

Sk8ter Boi Representations:

- Skater girl: Rebellious, rule breaker , group leader , on top of a car stopping traffic , illegal gig , created setting from being in city centre, respected, reckless, skater clothing , bmx's

Music videos question 3:

Music videos create visual representations that are different from one another, These representations are both displayed within Teenage dirtbag and Sk8ter boi both presenting various different representations throughout the music video.In Teenage dirtbag teenagers are represented in a hierarchy of popular to losers, The main loser of this narrative is represented as your typical geek, he lacks friends , looked down upon and viewed as  invisible, not only is this representation of him show in his act but it is also shown in his choice of costume/clothing , as you can see from his costume it has a un trending look , not something classed as stylish which really pulls his character together in contrast to the costumes/clothing of Sk8ter boy where their costume's are stylish , punk and skater like. This style would have been viewed as cool and trending, the complete opposite of the loser's outfit.

Monday 9th October 2023

Do now:

1.) The arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a media production or on the set of a film.

2.) Modifying a media production

3.) the way in which cameras are used in a film ,television programme or music video.

4.)  a non diegetic or diegetic sound can be used within music videos.

5.) Linear story,Performance  story non-linear.

LO: To explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q4 focusing on media language and representation

Q4: Analyse the representation of musicians in the extract from mojo magazine

. colour- black + white - represents an old fashioned , classical      magazine
. close up - facial expressions reveal emotions
. text (lexis) - "arise" and "Dark knight"
. Depressive , troubled past and Questioning his path
. "saving his soul" - suggests he is protecting himself from past actions
. He is shown to be in a thoughtful and serious state

The representations portrayed in this magazine are clear and identifiable. The colour palette used for this magazine is a black and white combo making the appearance of an old fashioned , classical magazine suggesting the musician could have been a musican in an era where photography was taken in a black and white print , another idea linking to the colour palette could be they used these colours to present the artist as feeling a depressive emotion. This depressive emotion is also displayed on the musicians face , he has been  shown as glancing as if he is reflecting on something. 

Analyse the representation of age or gender in the extracts from MOJO MAGAZINE


. Age- his age is represented as mid to late 50s

. Colour- black + red colour palette , gothic and grunge

. facial expression- Serious and blunt, suggesting age is deeper and darker than we think.

The cover above of the mojo magazine shows that age is represented through the use of Facial expression, He is shown to be serious and sinister, suggesting aging to the older ages is deeper and dark than it is preserved.Another anticipation of this magazine representing age the camera shot type, he is taken in a low shot as if he is towering over us , representing that the older generation believe they have more power and dominance over the younger generations as they have been here longer.BESIDE HIM IT QUOTES "There are a lot of grievers out there" Suggesting that age makes you become more careless, older ages are  more linked with the idea of death so it could also be interpreting he doesn't care if people grieve him when he dies.

Monday 30th October 2023

Do now: 
1.) The specific way the camera is lined up, moved , re-focused ,etc

LO: To explore the exam style questions and practice exams technique  for Q5 focusing on media language and representation.

How far is media language used differently in the extracts from Mojo and the other extract to reflect genre conventions?

Media language:

. The codes and conventions of music magazine covers
. The genre codes and conventions of music 
. Magazine covers
. How intertextuality can be used to influence meaning 
. Layout
. Typography
. Colour palette
. Images
. Use of lexis
. How the media language portrays reality
. Connotations from the media language choices


. 'Babyboomer' generation - A person born in the years following the    2nd world war, when there was a temporary marked increase in the      birth rate
. diversification - the process of varying products
. audience address - how the text speaks to the audience, and       involves and influences them.
. Discerning - Having or showing good judgement
. House style - a company preferred manner of presentations and   layout of written material.

Magazine 1:

1.) The layout of this magazine is most definitely cluttered.

2.) The layout can connote that she is "crazy"in a good way or is experiencing "problems" which would be a mess.Such as how its quoted "I've beaten my haters!"

3.) They have used a saturated palette.

4.) The use of an saturated palette could suggest connotations of  being bright , passionate and bold.

Magazine 2:

1.) the layout of this magazine , is a contrast to magazine 2 as this magazine is very much organised.

2.) The choice of layout could connote she's a neat + tidy person. Could also connote she is in line and organised for life.

3.) They have used a muted palette , very much bland and beige.

4.) Could connote to the colours of instruments linking to her talent.

Magazine 3:

1.) The font usage on this magazine mainly consists of Sans-Serif.

2.) The use of sans-serif connotes something clean, minimal, friendly, or modern.

3.) The main coverline is a rumi font , which looks like it could be hand written by ed Sheeran himself.

4.) The use of the red font could have multiple connotations.

Monday 6th November 2023

Do now:

."Baby boomer"  A person born in the years following the    2nd world war, when there was a     temporary marked increase in the birth rate.
. diversification - the process of varying products
. audience address - how the text speaks to the audience, and       involves and influences them. 
. Discerning - Having or showing good judgement
. House style - a company preferred manner of presentations and   layout of written material.

Music industry:Q5

LO: To explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representation


- Representations or media language analysis
- Gender roles
- Attitudes to sexuality 
- Multiculturalism
- Celebrity culture

 Shot Type : Medium long shot
 Star Vehicle : David Bowie 
 Colour Palette : Vibrant pink, blue, purple, white - > Pastel , Feminine , Saturated
 Artists : 7 other artists mentioned + Bowie
 Masthead| Main cover line | Minor style : Uppercase, Sans Serif, Shadow, Bold 
 Puff : Uppercase, Colour + Serif
 USP : Pink + White , Same as the puff
 Layout : Placement Fib genre codes and conventions

The colour palette used on the magazine above , has a variation of vibrant colours, such as yellow, pink, blue and white. These saturated colours connote Feminity, suggesting that now in more recent times colour stereotypes are less viewed. 


The wire has presented it's magazine using a muted palette , a significant contrast to the palette of Mojo magazine. The wire uses a dull range of colours such as black, silver , grey , green meanwhile Mojo magazine used vibrant pastels such as yellow, pink , blue and white.The wire has made it patent that this magazine is aimed at a male audience,Using dark serious colour palettes appealing to men.In juxtaposition of mojo magazines where it comes across as bubbly, vibrant and colourful appealing to both men and women.  

Monday 13th November 2023

Do now:


-    Tv license

-   Ofcom

-  Public broadcasting station x Public service broadcasting

-   What are the two types of radio? Commercial and psb

     Commercial - make money - >  adverts

LO: To research the case study annotate in detail the examples from the case study

SONGS : Original + Cover

Cuff it - Beyonce - She is talented as she is covering Beyoncés song, attracts the wider audience via Beyonce

Dive -    Olivia D

EPISODE DATE: 24th October for live lounge


Olivia Dean

24 years old

From London

She is talented as she is covering Beyoncés song

Worked with Rudimental before, her first solo number on the live lounge


" Olivia has  a voice of an absolute angel "

"Makes Beyoncés songs sound easy"


- Goes within the age range , 15-29 yr olds , she is 24

Via the chat and the younger artists and the younger presenters , keep it informal and fun


- Mentions superstar; Beyonce

- Entertaining through live music

- Standing ovation for her

- Live band with her


New music for Jungle in between , a UK band


Who does it appeal to? - 15 - 29 year old

How does it appeal? - slang , young artists ,enthusiasm

How else do Radio 1 appeal to the audience? - The live lounge

How is commercial radio different? -  They have advertisement

Who are their audience ?-    Different gens , it's a mass audience

How do they appeal to their audience?-  Music

- OLIVIA dean is within the age group

-  OLIVIA dean entertained and engaged

- OLIVIA dean is a new upcoming artist

Monday 20th November 2023

Do now:

1.) genre codes - systems of signs, which create meaning.
2.) intertexality - the relationship between texts ( a ref to another media text 
3.) connotations-  something suggested by a word or thing
4.) typography- the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader
5.) lexis- the words
6.) what are the contextual issues that  might be reflected in magazines today- more gender equality, multi-cultrual,  society  , technological, focus phones, internet , cosumnist   and celebrity

LO: To explore the exam style question for music magazine and music video

1 - Shakira, female, revealing , direct audience , mid shot.

2 - Yellow - > warm , saturated , golden , idea of wealth

3- Sans-serif - > modern , clean , lowercase , colloquial , released , informal

4- Simplified- relaxed ,informal

1.) Male x4 , young , covered suit , mid shot , no direct  address , performed 

2)  Saturated , bright , 60s-70s multi colour, san serif modern uppercase

3)  Shows a sophisticated look in music, cluttered in contrast to billboard , suggests its bursting of information

Both billboard and Mojo have presented their magazines in contrasting ways.One way these magazines are different is the layout.Billboard's magazine is very relaxed and simplified. The text is all laid out in a unpretentious way  juxtaposing MOJO'S magazine. Mojo has laid their magazine in a cluttered and overfilling presentation. It has enhanced the reader with bands, cd's , facts on the Beatles etc: while billboard only has a small percentage of information.Another contrasting factor of the two magazines is the way the main cover image is presented. billboard presents Shakira in a revealing manor , showing off her shoulders , arms and chest ,  possibly trying to attract a male audience. Meanwhile Mojo has their main image of the Beatles fully clothed , giving 60s-70s vibe , not acting in any way seductive.In conclusion to this both magazine companies have used the same media techniques just have presented it differently.

Teenage dirtbag - Mise en scene ,  respected , jocks

Geeks - not respected

Skater boy - Fun ,  resemble , exciting , fun to be around , teenagers represented
female leader  respected female 
city setting - urban 

Monday 22nd January 2023


Do now :

Film - BBFC
TV & Radio - OFCOM

Mag & New - IPSO & IMPRESS

Advertising - ASA



- Radio

- Target audience 

- Creating musical feelings for the audience


- Youth
- Romance
- Illustrates images the meaning of the song
- Representations
- Unrequited love


- The differences in representations of gender in the contrasting
- Social group
- Age
- Gender
- Music , classical/ rock

In Mojo magazine , it is is presented advertising the genre of rock. Noel Gallagher is presented in a black jacket , serious , not a lot of colour. Really suggesting what genre is being portrayed.


- The Media language used is significantly different.Which creates different messages. The typography is different. The main image is different. The body language different


- TT Fusion


- The film counts as a film for awards purpose 

- More profit

- Build up promotion


- Merchandise

- Releasing video game

-  Profit

- Money


  1. 17/4- Great work today, remember full sentences in the last paragraph.

  2. 10/10- Good start here, T: 2.Give examples from the text using media language terminology.

  3. 20/11- You have some good points picked out here, well done. T: 2. You need to explain further exactly what each element shows/reveals about the magazine audience, representation, content, or image.


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