Tv Drama

 Wednesday 15th November 2023

Television: Industries + Audiences

LO: To research the history, companies + Regulators in the Television industry


. Publicly owned TV channel This is in contrast to public broadcasting, which receives government subsidies and usually does not have paid advertising interrupting the show.

. Commercial TV Chanel is primarily based on the practice of airing radio advertisements and television advertisements for profit.

.ConvergenceConvergent TV is the merging of digital audience targeting techniques with linear TV content into one balanced, closed ecosystem that aims at getting rid of the open market of ad buying and selling, creating the most optimal ad exchange.

. Watershed - The watershed means the time which when TV programmes might be unsuitable for children.Between 9pm-5.30am

.  Segmented Market   - Market segmentation is a marketing term that refers to aggregating prospective buyers into groups or segments with common needs and who respond similarly to a marketing action.

Self regulating - Not regulated by outside bodies

. Mainstream - Mass audience; the ideas, attitudes or activities that are shared by most people

Franchise -   license from company of a product to use format /show/ideas

. Channel surfing - Frequently changing from channel to channel

. PSB - Public service broadcasting, regulators demand channels fulfil certain requirements as part of their. license

. TV license - any household or business watching , recording live broadcasts require to pay a license fee. funds BBC

. Scheduling - Deciding which shows to show at which times

. Conglomerate - A company what is made up of lots of smaller businesses

Research task

1.) When was tv introduced to the UK? 1936

2.) In 1965, how many channels were there in the UK and what where they? 3 Channels ( BBC1 , BBC2 and ITV)

3.)  When did ITV start? 1955 , It was a commercial channel

4.) Which UK channels have to follow PSB remits? BBC 1 , BBC 2 , Channel 3 , Channel 4 and Channel 5

5.) Who regulates UK TV now? Ofcom

6.)  Who regulated the TV channels in the 60s? 

Wednesday 22nd November 2023

Television industries:Ownership & Regulation

LO: To explore the ownership + regulation of BBC and ITV

Missions , values and public purposes

1. To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them

The BBC should provide duly accurate and impartial news, current affairs and factual programming to build people’s understanding of all parts of the United Kingdom and of the wider world. Its content should be provided to the highest editorial standards. It should offer a range and depth of analysis and content not widely available from other United Kingdom news providers, using the highest calibre presenters and journalists, and championing freedom of expression, so that all audiences can engage fully with major local, regional, national, United Kingdom and global issues and participate in the democratic process, at all levels, as active and informed citizens.

2. To support learning for people of all ages

The BBC should help everyone learn about different subjects in ways they will find accessible, engaging, inspiring and challenging. The BBC should provide specialist educational content to help support learning for children and teenagers across the United Kingdom. It should encourage people to explore new subjects and participate in new activities through partnerships with educational, sporting and cultural institutions.

3. To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services

The BBC should provide high-quality output in many different genres and across a range of services and platforms which sets the standard in the United Kingdom and internationally. Its services should be distinctive from those provided elsewhere and should take creative risks, even if not all succeed, in order to develop fresh approaches and innovative content.

4. To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom

The BBC should reflect the diversity of the United Kingdom both in its output and services. In doing so, the BBC should accurately and authentically represent and portray the lives of the people of the United Kingdom today, and raise awareness of the different cultures and alternative viewpoints that make up its society. It should ensure that it provides output and services that meet the needs of the United Kingdom’s nations, regions and communities. The BBC should bring people together for shared experiences and help contribute to the social cohesion and wellbeing of the United Kingdom. In commissioning and delivering output the BBC should invest in the creative economies of each of the nations and contribute to their development.

5. To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world

The BBC should provide high-quality news coverage to international audiences, firmly based on British values of accuracy, impartiality, and fairness. Its international services should put the United Kingdom in a world context, aiding understanding of the United Kingdom as a whole, including its nations and regions where appropriate. It should ensure that it produces output and services which will be enjoyed by people in the United Kingdom and globally.

BBC Values

We have established a set of values for everyone working at the BBC. They represent the expectations we have for ourselves and each other, they guide our day-to-day decisions and the way we behave.

Our values are:

  • AUDIENCES are at the heart of everything we do
  • CREATIVITY is the lifeblood of our organisation
  • TRUST is the foundation of the BBC - we’re independent, impartial and truthful
  • We RESPECT each other - we’re kind, and we champion inclusivity
  • We are ACCOUNTABLE and deliver work of the highest quality
  • We are ONE BBC - we collaborate, learn and grow together

License fee and funding

  • Reduction in overheads
    Overheads remain at industry-leading levels, at only 5% of our total costs, with 95% directed to audience-facing content and services
  • UK economy
    The BBC has wide ranging impacts on the UK economy. For every £1 of the BBC’s economic activity, £2.63 is generated in the economy.
Commercial income
  • £1,384 million in 2021/22.
  • Culminate savings
    £1 billion worth of savings delivered since 2016/17.

Number and names of tv channels

Their purpose and strategy

Our purpose is to entertain and connect with millions of people in the UK and globally, reflecting and shaping culture and building brands with brilliant content and creativity. This is aligned to our 2026 strategic vision, to be a leader in UK advertiser-funded streaming and an expanding global force in content.

Our Social Purpose strategy is an integral part of delivering our purpose and our strategic vision. See our Social Purpose website for further details

Our initiatives to drive growth and future value are clear. Delivering our vision will be achieved by focusing on three strategic pillars:

Expand Studios 
Supercharge Streaming
Optimise Broadcast

These pillars are not independent. They work together – reinforcing each other, creating synergies and delivering value. Being a vertically integrated producer broadcaster and streamer provides us with a real competitive advantage.

Wednesday 13th December 2023

Tv audiences

. BBC1 has to meet the PSB remit and justify licence fee

. ITV1  has to attract advertisers to fund channel

Different ways of watching TV :

. Tv

. Phone 

. Computer

. Streaming 

reasons why we watch TV  :

- we want to feel like were actually there

- interactivity

- second screening

- sharing

-  the fall 
-  peeky blinders
- big mouth
- casualty
- stranger things
- games of thrones

Wednesday 10th January 2023

Do now

- Colourful , vibrant fashion

- The Beatles

The 1960's

- Berlin wall built , diving east and west Germany

- Yuri Gagarin completes the first orbit of earth by a human  

- John . f . kennedy assassinated

-  Cold war happened

- The internet was invented

- the contraceptive  pill was approved in the 60s

Most famous bands

- The Beatles
- The rolling stones
- Pink Floyd
- The beach boys

Political party was in power in 1965? Who was in PM? 

- Labour , Harry Wilson  

Were illegal drugs, according to the media , a big part of culture?

- They were largely used in this era 

What wars were being fought around the world?

- The cold war

- the Vietnamese war

What were people protesting about? 

- Free speech on college campuses 

- Anti-authoritarianism Anti-capitalism Anti-racism Civil and political rights Environmentalism Feminism Social liberalisation Socialism

How would life have been different in the 1960s for women, men and different races compared to the now in the UK?

- there was no gender equality in the 60s 

The cold war 


A way of discovering out the enemies ideas and plans undercover

Nuclear threat 

This made people highly nervous and anxious about a upcoming nuclear war

Wednesday 17th January 2023

The Avengers (1965)

LO: Research the TV show the Avengers

1.) ITV ✓

2.) Mainstream adult audience ✓

3.) 7th January 1961 ✓

4.) 6 ✓

5.)  21st April 1969 ✓

6.)  56,000 ✓


. Patrick Macnee 
. Diana Rigg
. Linda Thorson
. Ian Hendry
. Edwin Richfield

8.)  It meant they  had sophisticated camera work , better locations and soundtracks. Much more higher production.

9.) John steed , Patrick Macnee + Emma peel , Diana rigg

- The avengers was scheduled on Saturdays at 9.05pm - peak time to attract a mass audience
- The 4th series attracted audiences of around 7 million and was often in the top ten ratings
- Each episode had a budget of 56k 

Wednesday 24th January 2023

The avengers : the town of no return

- John steed
- Mrs Emma peel
- Piggy waren
- Tom Smallwood
- Mr Brandon 

Wednesday 31st January 2024


-  The narrative : The spies are investigating a village , one bye one finding the imposters. And discover a underground base

-  The characters : Mrs Emma peel , Piggy warren , Tom smallwood , John steed , Mr Brandon

- How the episodes show the social and cultural context (the mid 60s) 

- Audience appeal :  Pies

Personal identity - Women in the 60s may of related or aspired to Emma peel as she was seen as almost equal to  John steed
- a aspect into the life and views in the 60s
entertainment - The tv had only newly been introduced , so this would be a great show to aim at the 60s audience
social interaction    

The Avengers : The town of no return

Major concerns of the time

. cold war

. threat of nuclear war 

. threat of foreign invasion

. Espionage - Shown through the main characters

Wednesday 7th February 2024

how was media language used to show attitudes and values of the 1960s?

  1. Fashion and Style: The clothing worn by the characters, particularly the stylish and sophisticated attire of John Steed and Emma Peel, reflected the fashionable trends of the time. This emphasised the importance of appearances and elegance, which were valued in 1960s society.

  2. Dialogue and Mannerisms: The dialogue and mannerisms of the characters often embodied the wit, charm, and sophistication associated with the 1960s. There was a certain level of sophistication and cleverness in the way characters interacted with each other, reflecting the intellectual and cultural values of the time.

  3. Social Commentary: "The Avengers" often incorporated social commentary into its storylines, addressing contemporary issues and concerns. In "Town of No Return," themes such as conformity, suburbanisation, and the loss of individuality are explored, reflecting the anxieties and tensions of the era.

  4. Visual Aesthetics: The visual aesthetics of the show, including set design, cinematography, and editing techniques, reflected the sleek and modern sensibilities of 1960s design. This emphasised the importance of style and visual appeal in the presentation of media during that time period.

  5. Gender Roles: The dynamic between John Steed and Emma Peel challenged traditional gender roles, with Peel being portrayed as intelligent, capable, and independent, breaking away from the more conventional depictions of women on television at the time. This reflected shifting attitudes towards gender equality and women's empowerment in the

  6. 1960s.

  1. Female Roles and Inequality: The 1960s saw the rise of the feminist movement, challenging traditional gender roles and advocating for women's rights. Despite this, there were still widespread inequalities in the workplace, politics, and society at large. Women were often depicted as homemakers or supporting characters rather than as independent agents in media, reflecting and perpetuating gender stereotypes and inequalities.

  2. Class Structure: British society in the 1960s was still highly stratified, with distinct social classes and hierarchies. Media representations often reflected this class structure, with certain characters embodying upper-class sophistication and privilege, while others were depicted as working-class or lower-class individuals.

  3. Changing Views on Sexuality: The 1960s marked a period of significant change in attitudes towards sexuality, with the sexual revolution challenging traditional norms and taboos. Media representations began to explore more open and liberal attitudes towards sex, albeit often within certain boundaries and censorship constraints.

  4. British Manners and Traditions: British manners and traditions remained important cultural touchstones during the 1960s, reflected in media portrayals of polite and reserved characters, as well as settings that emphasised British cultural heritage and customs.

  5. Attitudes to Outsiders and Foreigners: The 1960s saw increased immigration to Britain from former colonies and other countries, leading to changing attitudes towards outsiders and foreigners. Media representations sometimes reflected xenophobic or discriminatory attitudes towards immigrants, while also occasionally challenging stereotypes and promoting multiculturalism.

  6. Patriarchal Society: British society in the 1960s was largely patriarchal, with men holding the majority of positions of power and authority. Media representations often reinforced patriarchal norms and values, portraying men as leaders and decision-makers, while women were relegated to supportive or subordinate roles.

  7. Stereotypical Ideas for Rural Life: Rural life was often romanticised and idealised in media portrayals, presenting an idyllic vision of countryside living. However, these representations could also be stereotypical and oversimplified, failing to capture the complexities and realities of rural communities.

Wednesday 21st January 2024

The avengers : extract analysis

Media Language :

. Camerawork 
. Mise-en-scene 
. Editing
. Sound


- Shot type , angle , camera movement

mid shot

medium close up

close up 


- Costumes

- Props

- Setting

- Lighting

Wednesday 28th February 2024

The avengers : Editing

Cutting on action ; used to determine movement in fight scenes. to block out what actually happened

Cut away ; cuts to something completely different

Cross cut ; inter cuts between locations , add tension and suspense

Match cut: A match cut shots to one shot to a similar shot , mainly used to create transition , can also be used within vocabulary.

Fade in / fade out : Used to make. transition between clips , passing of time

Dissolve : Suggests passing of time

Avengers : Cutaway on Emma peels suitcase , they did to this to add to the narrative showing us that something has happened to Emma.

Cutting in on action the fight scene between Steel and The blacksmith , they did this to emphasise

Non diegetic music in the background whilst the man is dying on the floor. They do this to create suspension.

Non -Diegetic music of when the vicar pulls out the gun , a hymn appropriate for is role.To highlight that he is an imposter.

Wednesday 6th March 2024

Do now :

1.) Editing , camera works , mise-en-scene , sound ✓

2.) 2-3 ✓

3.) 5 mark question ✓

The avengers : extract analysis

How is camerawork used to create meaning?

Question 1 :
Camerawork is used to create meaning within the avengers series , at this instance it was used  to create suspense, When the blacksmith is slowly coming towards steed  he is displaying a serious face and is slowly coming towards steed with a horseshoe placed before him , the horseshoe is burning at a high burning point and is clearly a danger to Steed. Steed is displayed almost looking down upon to create that idea that he is danger. The horseshoe is directly slammed beside him to emphasise that the blacksmith is a danger , he is also shown at a mid shot directly basing it at him so he is the main focus of this short scene.

Question 2 :

How far does the extract create tension :

In the extract they used editing to create tension.Through the way the blacksmith slowly comes towards steed creating that suspension , they do that to make us as the audience feel tense. In this scene beforehand the tension is being build through foreshadowing, as when steed enters he notices something hot which foreshadows the horseshoe being lured towards steed , signifying the heat.

Question 3

How far does the extract create a stereotypical representation of men


Intro - extract shows both stereotypical and non stereotypical

1 - Fight - mise-en-scene steed vs blacksmith  (men fight) 2x stereotypes

2- Steed ' rescuing peel ' Damsel in distress (prop) context of 1960s patriarchal society. Audience except

3-  Anti-stereotypical peel explaining to steed context - women have equality

Wednesday 27th March 2024

Wednesday 17th April 2024


- Multi cultural police officer 
- shot in colour now
- more accepting of different sexualities

Cuffs and Audience appeal

Propp character types:

The hero : Jake , Ryan 
The villain : Cheif vickers
The donor : Ryan
The helper : lino , jo , donna , felix
The princess : arresting the criminal 
The princess's dad : station officer
The dispatcher: Jo
The fasle hero : Jake and Ryan

Personal identity - a wide range of characters to identify with
Information - How the police society work
Entertainment - The criminal acts and fights , action
Social interaction - 

Changing attitudes : Gender

1.) Stronger roles for women - Donna 

2.) Masc in postive light - Felix


Wednesday 24th April 2024

Cuffs & Social Contexts


Is represented as an unstereeotypical woman. She is strong and determined when she is chasing a criminal down the street.


He is represented as a vulnerable character.  And is often challenged by his colleague Ryan. 

Felix kane

He is represented as quiet

Jake V : 
 - Unprepared
- Vulnerable

Lino M :

- Lazy
- Un serious

Felix K :

- Quiet
- Reserved

Theres a wide range of different ethnicities throughout the cast and police force


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